Monday, November 29, 2010


What will you do when you are lonely?
Like when you have been engulf by a shroud of never ending darkness...
You have so much kept inside but you just don't have the right person to talk to?
There is like a sense of emptiness inside that it's just like a puzzle missing it's last piece...
What does it take to just find the right person to let it all out?
Let all the raw emotions to burst out without the listener complaining?

I haven't find a right cure for it yet except to just embrace it and let it consume you...
Because thats just how I handle it... Seriously...
Someone once told me hugging makes it feel better... Really?
I asked myself cause as long as I can remember I never been hugged by anyone... Even my own mother...
Hmmm... Worth some thought thinking about it...

These few months ago I had became very sensitive towards few issues that have been otherwise immune to me...
I've been thinking what is the reason that had make me become so?
Is it that I have grown weak and feeble mentally and just can't take any of this?
Or maybe I had just released some of my secrets that few know to a certain person?
In conclusion the reason is still uncertain and to all whom my behavior had caused you misery I apologize...
I think this is a few rare time that I wrote about my emotions...
When you just have time to be alone and just think about what you have done so far you will tend to think either very dumb things or things that you usually don't care much...
I think mine is a little mix of both...

I wrote this on a bus trip...

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